Why Historical Thinking Skills was not there?

Rosy - Talin



This qualitative study was done to understand the reasons for the absent of historical thinking skills from the teaching of history in the classroom. The participants were four experience history teachers teaching in four secondary schools. Interviews and observation were carried out to collect the data needed. The findings showed these teachers incorporated two of the historical thinking skills (HTS), understanding chronology and exploring the evidence. These skills are the lower level of HTS. The higher level of HTS, interpretation, imagination and rationalization were superficially found in the teaching of two of the participants. The reasons of the absent of the higher level of HTS as identified from the data were the excessive used of the textbook, the focus of the teaching was to prepare students for examination and teachers’ unawareness of HTS. For HTS to be successfully incorporated in the teaching of history in the classroom teachers need to be educated and trained.


Keywords: Historical thinking skills, students thinking skills, history teaching


Historical thinking skills, students thinking skills, history teaching

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