TikTok Use as Strategy to Improve Knowledge Acquisition and Build Engagement to Learn Literature in ESL Classrooms

Sharmini Thanga Rajan, Hanita Hanim Ismail


The introduction of literature into English classes is an attempt to improve students' language skills. In Malaysian schools, students’ interest in the chalk-and-talk method of teaching and learning literature has waned, leading to a decline in students' knowledge acquisition and a reduction in their engagement in learning. One of the ways to solve this problem is to integrate technological platforms, such as social media platform TikTok, into literature assignments. However, there are not many studies that have investigated the use of this application in literature learning for Malaysian secondary school students. In this quasi-experimental quantitative study, the researchers used TikTok as a strategy in teaching literature to 150 Form Two students, selected through purposive sampling, to determine students' engagement in learning literature and improve their knowledge acquisition. The two instruments used were an adopted questionnaire, and pre-tests and post-tests administered to control and experimental groups. Descriptive statistics, such as number, percentage, independent and paired t-tests, were used to analyse the results. The results of the study show that the overall mean of students' engagement with TikTok in learning literature is very high and students' knowledge acquisition in learning literature is positive. The study elucidates how teachers can improve their students' knowledge and promote engagement in literature using TikTok. Both the teaching and learning literature become fun and foster creativity as an appropriate medium, like TikTok, enables student-centred learning. 



learning engagement; learning literature; knowledge assessment; social media; TikTok

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