Teachers’ Viewpoint of Metacognitive Strategy Instruction in Listening during Remote Teaching in Oman: Challenges and Strategies

Surya Subrahmanyam Vellanki, Saadat Mond, Zahid Kamran Khan, Lekha Gopalakrishnan Nair


Research in second language learning has identified the absence of metacognition among learners as one of the major problems contributing to students’ inability to comprehend listening texts. Moreover, the shift to remote teaching due to COVID-19 has made it more crucial for teachers and learners to adapt to new modes of teaching and learning. This accentuates the need for effective listening strategy instruction. This study conducted at a university in Oman, is unique in two ways: first, it seeks out teachers’ perceptions of metacognitive strategy instruction in remote teaching; and second, the intervention in the form of explicit metacognitive strategy instruction is offered online. This paper presents the findings of the study, which focused on the following: teachers’ perception of students’ listening difficulties; teachers’ perceptions of metacognitive strategies and their explicit instruction; the role of metacognitive strategy awareness and instruction in improving student participation and skills in listening; challenges encountered in teaching listening during remote teaching; and overcoming challenges of teaching metacognitive strategies in remote teaching. This mixed-method study collected data through questionnaires and interviews with 10 faculty members and 75 students. The findings show that teachers face several challenges, such as time limitations, shortened semesters, unfamiliar coursebook contexts, and assessment practices. For strategy instruction, teachers utilized collaborative lesson planning and resources and virtual flipped classrooms, among others. We conclude that metacognitive strategy instruction can provide better scaffolding during listening instruction and recommends further exploration of students’ use of metacognitive strategies in other academic contexts.



EFL listening; listening strategies; metacognition; metacognitive strategy instruction; remote teaching

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