Perceptions of Teaching Approach and Academic Performance among Senior Two Students in Musanze: Mediating Role of Mathematics Anxiety and Career Aspiration

Emmanuel Iyamuremye, Irenee Ndayambaje, Charles Magoba Muwonge


This empirical study sought to examine gender differences and the relationships between students’ perceptions of mathematics teaching, mathematics anxiety, career aspirations, and academic performance. The study utilized the descriptive-correlational research design coupled with the quantitative data collection process, i.e., a survey questionnaire. We deliberately sampled six lower secondary schools in Musanze district to participate in the study. A total of 415 (60 % males) senior two students (grade 8) were involved in the study. Data were analyzed using an independent sample t-test and structural equation modeling. Students’ perceptions of the teaching approach significantly influenced career aspirations, mathematics anxiety, and performances. In addition, mathematics anxiety affected the relationship between students’ perceptions of the teaching approach and performance and career aspirations. Although girls’ mathematics anxiety, mathematics performance, and perceptions of the teaching approach were higher than boys’, the differences were not statistically significant. The findings of this study revealed that students’ perceptions of the teaching approach influence their mathematics performance, mathematics anxiety, and career aspirations. Therefore, any intervention aimed at reducing mathematics anxiety and improving academic performance and career aspirations in Mathematics should consider students’ perceptions of the teaching approach.


career aspiration; mathematics anxiety; structural equation modeling; students’ perception; teaching approach

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