Development of CDIO-Based Programs from the Teacher Training Perspective

Tien Ba Tran, Thu Hung Phan


To meet the requirements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) Vietnam’s K-12 education has shifted from a content-based to a competency-based approach. Teacher education institutions are, therefore, required to make comprehensive curriculum reforms to align with the K-12 education innovation. This paper is concerned with the adoption of the CDIO (conceive-design-implement-operate) initiative for teacher training programs at Vinh University in Central Vietnam. It gives an account of the large-scale changes that involve significant shifts in the culture of management, teaching, learning and assessment, the revamp of the structure and contents of the curricula, along with enhancement of faculty teaching competence, personal and interpersonal skills, product, process, and system building skills, as well as disciplinary fundamentals. It also describes how the university has adapted the 12 CDIO standards for teacher training programs, and how teacher training spaces, outcome-based assessment and program evaluation have been adjusted in accordance with the CDIO principles. The qualitative research method was employed for an evaluation of the CDIO-based program implementation. The data were collected from interviews with faculty members and students, observations, documents related to the CDIO program implementation, reports of departments and AUN-QA accreditation agency that assessed the programs. It was found that the CDIO approach is highly applicable for teacher training programs; it fits the outcome-based teaching and assessment and the development of professional skills and competencies with which future teachers need to be equipped.


CDIO standards; program learning outcomes; competency-based; project-based learning; outcome-based assessment

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