The Reflectivity of EFL Preservice Teachers in Microteaching Practice

Eunjeong Park


Microteaching as a teaching practice helps preservice teachers develop their teaching and restructure their pedagogical schemes through reflection and feedback, particularly in teacher education. In particular, critical reflection helps preservice teachers describe their instructional experiences and perceptions and analyze what they have learned from those experiences. The study aimed to investigate how English as a foreign language (EFL) preservice teachers implement and reflect on their teaching performance in microteaching activities. The participants were 22 Korean EFL preservice teachers at a college of education. Grounded in Amobi’s (2005) conceptual framework of microteaching reflectivity, the preservice teachers’ self-reflection on microteaching and peer feedback checklists were collected and analyzed. Content analysis was used for data analysis. The findings revealed that the participants’ teaching practice had a range of reflectivity patterns of describing, informing, conforming, and reconstructing. This study also found that the participants made progress through microteaching practice. The pedagogical implications of these results encompass the usefulness of microteaching in three groups of preservice teachers, teacher educators, and institutions.


microteaching; preservice teachers; reflective practice; reflectivity; teacher education

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