Mathematics Teachers’ Perceptions of Soft Skills Integration in Mathematics Teaching and Learning in Secondary Schools in Mazabuka District, Zambia

Chileshe Busaka, Septimi Reuben Kitta, Odette Umugiraneza


Mathematics teachers’ perceptions of soft skills integration are key to ensuring students’ soft skills development. The present study investigated perceptions regarding the integration of soft skills in teaching and learning mathematics in Mazabuka District in Zambia. Ninety-one teachers, who were selected purposively, completed a questionnaire and a test on the integration of soft skills in teaching and learning mathematics. Frequencies, means, and standard deviations were calculated, and independent sample t-test and analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used to analyze the data. The findings are that mathematics teachers had a positive perception of soft skills integration in mathematics and believed that incorporating soft skills in teaching and learning mathematics was important. Furthermore, the results reveal that mathematics teachers’ gender and age, the type of school where they taught, their experience and level of education did not influence their perceptions of soft skills integration in mathematics teaching and learning in Zambian secondary schools.


mathematics teachers; perceptions; soft skills integration; importance of soft skills; mathematics; secondary schools

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