Game-Based Didactic Resources as a Strategy in Foreign Language Pedagogy

Valeria Sumonte Rojas, Lidia Fuentealba Fuentealba, Ranjeeva Ranjan


Gamification is a method widely used in recent years in the educational field to facilitate the teaching and learning process using different game elements and mechanics. The objective of this study was to analyze the use of non-digital game-based (NDGB) didactic resources as a strategy to facilitate the learning of Haitian Creole and its culture by native Chilean adult professionals. The study followed a qualitative approach, the design of which was a case study corresponding to the implementation of a Haitian Creole language?learning program. Sixty Chilean adult professionals participated, of which thirty-one belonged to the police department and twenty-nine to the local health department. These professionals have to help Haitian migrants who arrive in the country without the capacity to communicate in the target language, Spanish. The instruments used in this case study were participant classroom observation and a semi?structured interview, both implemented by the researchers. The results show that NDGB didactic resources facilitate language learning, favor situated work, and motivate learners to learn. In addition, it enables the co-construction of knowledge, based on collaborative work where all learners play a participatory role in the game. Participants showed greater commitment to language learning, those they have to attend to, and the needs of those they have to serve in their professional life.


Chilean adult professionals; game-based learning; gamification; non-digital; strategy

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