The Impact of Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits on Students’ Academic Performance during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Chee Kooi Lian, Tan Kim Hua, Nur-Ehsan Mohd Said


The outbreak of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has affected many areas of human life. It has brought about massive changes to the educational sector as institutions worldwide are forced to close down and students are required to learn from home via online learning. Students were reported to display reluctance and lack of motivation during the online lessons which led to a negative impact on their academic performance during the pandemic. This paper aims to explore the impact of adopting Stephen R.Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People on students’ academic performance. The study undertaken consists of a descriptive research whereby questionnaires and average score sheets were used to collect data from fifty- six Junior 1 students of a Chinese Independent Secondary School in Selangor, Malaysia. The findings indicate that adopting the prescribed habits brought about substantial impact on students’ academic performance. It helped to deal with the transitional phase in education sector and students learned to overcome the challenges faced. This in turn helped to improve their attitude towards learning and academic performance. Future researchers will be able to use this paper as a base to assess the effectiveness of adopting Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits in the area of students’ co-curricular activities performance.


21st Century Learning; critical thinking; online teaching; academic performance; 7 Habits

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