Harnessing the Power of Reflective Journal Writing in Global Contexts: A Systematic Literature Review

Anselmus Sudirman, Adria Vitalya Gemilang, Thadius Marhendra Adi Kristanto


This research aimed to describe a critical framework of reflective journal writing that has significant impacts on student writers worldwide and identify the qualities of reflective journal writing that foster transformative practices involving personal, relational, and intellectual activities. This systematic literature review incorporated important theoretical frameworks into acceptable convictions. A thorough analysis of 20 recently published research articles (out of 450) from 2016 to 2021 aimed to present written arguments that support thesis positions and credible evidence, as well as determine the global contexts of writing practices. The findings showed that reflective journal writing reinforced a profound transformation to further explore self-discovery, self-inquiry, and critical ideas. It is also concerned with writing performance, as well as the advancement of cognitive and metacognitive writing skills. Reflective journal writers' voices empowered significant changes in a variety of writing aspects, including personal idea exploration, creativity, self-organization, and professional practice development. These findings have implications for encouraging critical reflection, self-expression, and critical thinking among students. They should write reflective journals that can have an impact on a global community and allow them to bring about transformations.



reflective writing; reflective journal; writing skills; transformative practice; self-inquiry

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