The Impact of Coworker and Supervisor Support on Stress among Malaysian School Teachers during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Lin Dar Ong, Faizul Adib bin Sulaiman Khan


In the current COVID-19 crisis, teaching is difficult. The demands from students, parents, the government, and school administrators may be overwhelming. Many Malaysian teachers are experiencing growing mental strain, and they are reluctant to seek help due to social stigma. This quantitative study explored the impact of coworker and supervisor support on stress among primary and secondary school teachers in Malaysia. In addition, the study examined the spill-over impact of stress on teachers’ turnover intention. A sample of 250 Malaysian school teachers completed a questionnaire. The data were analysed using correlation and regression analyses. Results re?emphasized the positive impact of coworker support on reducing teachers’ stress, but not supervisor support. Furthermore, it was found that teacher stress was linked to a higher likelihood of turnover. Therefore, it is important for school administrators and policymakers to strengthen the role of coworkers in reducing stress among Malaysian school teachers.


coworker support; Malaysian school teachers; stress; supervisor support; turnover intention

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