Teacher Perspectives on the Impact of the Cyber Press on the Development of Religious Knowledge among Hearing-Impaired Students

Ihsan Ghadivan Ali Assaree, Ibrahim Khalaf Suleiman Al-Khalidi


The electronic press has constituted a real civilized renaissance in the field of media, and the younger generation has benefited from it. This will make it the first medium during the coming period to become a new media system that enjoys the characteristics and advantages acquired from the traditional press, of which the electronic press is an extension, and those from the new method. The study identifies the impacts of the cyber press on the development of religious knowledge among hearing-impaired students from their teachers’ point of view. Hearing-impaired students need more attention to develop their religious knowledge through the electronic press, as hearing impairment has many adverse effects on their learning. It affects their ability to move freely and interact with the environment. In addition, it affects their skills in interacting with others and their insecurity and confidence, resulting in an isolated social life. We used means, standard deviations, and two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) to identify the impact of the cyber press on the development of religious knowledge among hearing-impaired students. The study sample consisted of 80 teachers who teach hearing-impaired students. A questionnaire about teachers’ perspectives on the impacts of the cyber press on the development of religious knowledge among hearing-impaired students was used to collect data after checking the validity and reliability indicators. Results show that the impact of the cyber press on the development of religious knowledge is moderate. The results also show statistically significant differences in the gender variable in favor of males, and in the years of experience variable in favor of 10 years and more. Results also show statistically significant differences attributable to the impact of academic qualification in favor of the postgraduate category. We recommend that the cyber press pay more attention to religious education for hearing-impaired students through a broader and deeper presentation of contemporary religious issues.



cyber press; hearing-impaired students; religious knowledge

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