The Differential Impact of the Experiential- Entrepreneurial Learning Method on the Entrepreneurial Intentions of Higher Education Students

Yasin Mohammed Ali, Reda Darge Negasi


This study has comparatively examined the differential impact of the experiential-entrepreneurial learning method on the entrepreneurial intentions of students against the traditional entrepreneurial-teaching method of the course in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management in Wollo University, Ethiopia. The research design appropriated was a quasi-experimental non-equivalent comparison-group design. The data for the study were drawn from 202 prospective graduating students. An entrepreneurial-intentional questionnaire (EIQ) was used to collect the data. To test the impact of course intervention, ANCOVA and SEM_path analysis were employed. As the findings indicated, a significant mean difference in the entrepreneurial intention and its antecedents were obtained between the experiential-entrepreneurial method and the traditional entrepreneurial-teaching method group of the study participants. The relationships of variables included in the theory of planned behavior (TPB) have been affected by the two teaching-learning methods univocally. The findings have practical implications and recommendations for the teaching-learning processes of entrepreneurship in higher education.


entrepreneurial intention; entrepreneurial learning; Experiential learning; higher education

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