The Effects of Classroom Management Styles on Students’ Motivation and Academic Achievement in Learning English

Thuong Tran Thi, Hong-Thu Thi Nguyen


. The aims of this research are to investigate teachers’ and learners’ perception towards the significance of classroom management in motivating students to learn English; to determine the classroom management styles adopted by teachers during classroom and to identify the extent to which their classroom management styles affect students’ English learning motivation and academic achievement. The design of the research is mixed-method one in which an interview and questionnaires are the instruments to collect data. 14 English teachers were asked to be interviewed and 398 students (201 10th graders and 197 12th graders) participated in answering the questionnaires. The outcomes revealed that the various styles in managing their classrooms were displayed; however, each grade possessed a dominant style. Furthermore, the findings showed that each style of classroom management exerted impact with different levels and dimensions on students’ English learning motivation. Remarkably, Authoritative style demonstrated the most positive influence on students’ English learning motivation and academic achievement. Based on these findings, some implications for managing classroom were drawn out, which emphasized the adoption of Authoritative style and the reduction of some negative aspects of the other styles.


Classroom management styles; English learning; Motivation; Academic achievement; Teacher controls

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