Comparison of Students in Teacher Education from China and the USA: An Assessment of Dispositions

Judy R. Wilkerson, Lasonya L. Moore, W. Steve Lang, Jingshun Zhang


This study explored whether differences in teacher candidate dispositions exist between Chinese and American students, while continuing validation of the updated Beliefs About Teaching Scale (BATS2).  BATS2 incorporated the Rasch model of item response theory on Thurstone dichotomous items to measure commitment to the Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium Standards (InTASC) along the levels of the Bloom/Krathwohl affective taxonomy.  This research is a unique combination of theories and practice – standards-based items, affective taxonomy, and modern measurement theory.  Differential group function (DGF), applied in a mixed methods design, confirmed national differences, indicating differential commitment to standards and items.  For standards and items that showed a difference in the two groups, literature and cultural context supporting those differences was identified to frame the qualitative portion of this study. For example, US teachers were more averse to assessment, clearly the result of the focus on standardized testing that is so resented in the US; the Chinese were less compelled to master content, which is less imperative in early childhood programs (the sample in this study).  Results can be used in considering training needs and making instructional design more likely to be impactful for US institutions training Chinese natives and for Chinese institutions updating programs based on international input.


accreditation; affective assessment; teacher education standards; dispositions; Rasch model

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