Antecedents of Norwegian student teachers' time-on-task on campus

Eyvind Elstad, Knut Andreas Christophersen, Trond Solhaug, Are Turmo


A number ofevaluations have shown that Norwegian student teachers spend little timestudying on their course. In this study, we investigate the influence ofselected antecedents of student teachers' time-on-task, based on survey dataand structural equation modelling. Themain finding is that student self-discipline and the level of external academicpressure stands out as significant predictors of student time on task. This isparticularly evident regarding time on task on individual studies andstudent led colloquiums. Thetype of teacher education programme appears to be of significance. This is mainly explained by ahigher reported average time use on lectures andteacher led seminarsat the university colleges than at the universities. If a low level of time on taskis regarded a problem, a tightening of the work requirements in thecampus-based elements of teacher education should be a possible remedy.


Time-on-task; student teachers; self-discipline; motivation; teacher education.

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