The Challenges Faced by Pre-Service Mathematics Teachers during their Teaching Practice in the UAE: Implications for Teacher Education Programs

Adeeb M. Jarrah


Teaching practice is a fundamental component of teacher education programs, not only because it provides student teachers with first-hand experience, but also because it is an opportunity for them to put into action everything they have learned about education and their subject matter. Thus, the purpose of this study was to investigate the challenges that encounter pre-service mathematics teachers during their teaching practice in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). A qualitative phenomenological approach was used. Data for this research were collected through semi-structured interviews with fourteen participants at the end of their teacher education program. A thematic content analysis was performed on the content of interview transcripts to identify common themes. The emerging themes revealed that participants had serious concerns and they encountered various difficulties during teaching practice. Notable findings included participants’ difficulties transferring theoretical knowledge into practice, lack of availability of manipulatives, challenges with student discipline and classroom management, difficulty experimenting with innovative pedagogical practices, and concerns regarding the structure and the timing of the student teaching program. For student teachers to emerge at the end of their teaching practice as qualified and confident professional teachers, it is imperative that teacher preparation programs and school administrators reflect on the findings of this study. The study concluded with recommendations to direct future research.


Teaching Challenges; Student Teacher; Classroom Management; Student Discipline; Teacher Training

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