Motivation to Get a Second Higher Education: Psychological and Pedagogical Aspect

Roksolana I. Sirko, Halyna V. Bezverkhnia, Olha Ya. Zaverukha, Svitlana V. Chupakhina, Nataliia R. Kyrsta


The article examines the factors, psychological and pedagogical conditions for obtaining a second higher education. The leading trends of lifelong education in the EU countries are identified. It is found that the trend of adult participation in education is growing in the EU countries; on average, the share of women receiving second higher education exceeds the share of men in this indicator; EU countries differ significantly in the level of adult participation in education during life; there is a tendency for non-formal education to prevail over formal education; the proportion of those who receive training and training among the adult population is significantly higher among those who have already received higher education; in countries with a higher level of GDP per capita, there is a smaller share of the population, through the cost of obtaining a second higher education, does not have the opportunity to study; in countries with high income and GDP per capita, the share of the population, cannot get a second higher education through significant expenses, is less. The proportion of the population who say they do not need a second higher education also fluctuates significantly in EU countries. A study was conducted to identify motivational factors for obtaining a second higher education among students of the two-year program of various specialties. It is established that secondary needs, in particular self-realization, realization of potential opportunities, the need to increase the level of professional competence, are the main ones for the recipients of the second higher education, which corresponds to a higher level of needs according to the hierarchy of needs.


motivational sphere; psychological factors; second higher education; lifelong learning; non-formal education; formal adult education

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