Key Components of Learning Environments in Creating a Positive Flipped Classroom Course Experience

Mareena Hyypiä, Erkko Sointu, Laura Hirsto, Teemu Valtonen


This study focused on higher education and learning environments within the context of the flipped classroom (FC) approach.  Using a mixed-methods approach, this study aimed to identify how the various components of the learning environment affected higher education students’ (N=414) positive learning experience in FC courses. The results highlighted that students with different levels of satisfaction with the FC courses differed significantly in terms of their perspectives regarding the guidance received in the FC study method, teaching aimed at understanding, teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge, the creation and maintenance of a safe course atmosphere for learning, support from peers and teachers, and the use of technology in learning. The findings offer valuable insights into what creates a positive learning experience in a university course incorporating the FC approach and how this experience can be supported by both the teacher’s personal actions and the institutional training.


flipped classroom, higher education, learning environment, learning experience, mixed-methods research

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