Development of Mathematics Teaching Device Integrated with Quranic Values: Issues, Challenges, and Implementation Model

Widodo Winarso, Sirojudin Wahid


The purpose of this study was to develop an integrated mathematics teaching device with Quranic values that meet valid, practical, and effective criteria to meet good product standards. This study includes a development study consisting of the design and implementation phases. The analysis in this study used validity analysis with Aiken's validity index, and the utility analysis performed by transforming the results of the test data on five Widoyoko scales. The analysis required to test the effectiveness of the integrated mathematics teaching device with Quranic values uses a one-way ANOVA F test and a follow-up test using Post Hoc Multiple Comparisons. The results of verification by two experts stated that the Quranic values of the integrated mathematics teaching device met valid criteria. In line with the teacher's assessment that the four components evaluated, namely syllabus, lesson plan, students worksheet, and test meet practical standards. There is no difference based on the responses of students from three schools with different accreditations/quality (P-value = 0.340, with significance level = 0.05). This response to mathematics teaching device demonstrates that it has meet effective standards and can be used in schools with different certification status. The mathematics teaching device with Quranic values meets the criteria for good teaching devices because it meets valid, practical, and effective criteria.


Development; Teaching device; Mathematics; Science integrated; Quranic values

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