Educative Curriculum Material and Its Impact on the Teachers’ Instructional Performance and Learners’ Achievement

Momo Rosbiono Kartamiharja, Wahyu Sopandi


This research aim is to reveal the components of Educative Curriculum Material (ECM) and its impacts on the chemistry teachers’ instructional performance and learners’ achievement. This study applied the experimental method with matching only pretest-posttest control group design. A total of 36 junior chemistry teachers as the experiment group, and 36 senior chemistry teachers as the control group, and were selected by purposive-sampling. The sample of learners is chosen randomly. They consisted of 64 people as an experimental group and 64 people as a control group from different High School. The research instruments were a questionnaire, form of the analysis lesson plan and observation instructional performance, the items of teacher knowledge and learners' achievement. Data were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively through t-tests and Normalization-Gain. The research findings indicate that (1) ECM components that effectively enhance knowledge of chemistry teachers are curriculum, chemistry content, instructional strategies, professional development, and academic skills. (2) Understanding pedagogical and professional knowledge of junior chemistry teachers as ECM users and trained better than senior chemistry teachers who do not use ECM. (3) The instructional performance of junior chemistry teachers who use ECM is better than senior chemistry teachers both in their planning and implementation. (4) The learner’s achievement that learns from teacher used ECM increased higher significantly than those who did not. Based on these findings, it can be concluded that the ECM effectively improves on chemistry teachers’ instructional performance and learners’ achievement. Therefore it is recommended that Chemistry Teacher Group Discussion use the ECM.


education; educative; curriculum material; chemistry teacher; learner

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