Creating Your Animated Stories with Plotagon: Implementation of Project-Based Learning in Narrative Writing

Senny Suzanna Alwasilah


In English as foreign language learning, writing is considered to be challenging since it requires more complex thinking than other language skills. Along with technology advancement, writing learning can embed technology to provide more learning opportunities. Therefore, this study seeks to investigate the benefits of the implementation of project-based learning in teaching narrative writing in university. By involving 40 students of the English Literature Department, Plotagon (a 3D animation-making software) was used in the ‘Imaginative Writing’ course to mediate a project that required students to visualize their own story in the form of animated films. This study employed a qualitative research method with a case study design. The results revealed that there were three benefits of implementation of project-based learning (PBL) in teaching writing: (1) PBL was a fun and humanistic learning assignment; (2) PBL provided the opportunity for students to learn in a real context; and (3) Plotagon was an appropriate application to mediate students in improving their multiliteracy abilities. As a pedagogical implication, PBL is a potential method to be implemented in a variety of learning styles, which can accommodate a variety of intelligence of each student in the future.


Narrative Writing; Plotagon; Project-Based Learning

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