The Effectiveness of a Training Program in Developing the Linguistic and Musical Intelligence among University Students

Hanan Abdul Hamid Al–Anani, Amaal Abdullah Al Masri


This study included two parts: the first is a descriptive survey study which was aimed at assessing the scores of musical and linguistic intelligence in a sample of seventy-five (75) female students and the differences that were attributed to the level of study,the second part is a semi-experimental study whose aim was to assess the linguistic and musical intelligence and the effectiveness of a training program in their development among fifty-two (52) female students from Child Education and English language and its literature. After using the means and the t-test and the two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), the results were as  follow: the linguistic and musical intelligence scores in the survey study were medium, there were no significant differences in the linguistic and musical intelligence attributable to the academic level, the scores of musical and linguistic intelligence in the pretest were medium, and in the post-test they were high, significant differences were also shown in the linguistic and musical intelligence (with its dimensions creativity and excellence) attributed to the training program.No significant differences appeared in linguistic intelligence and musical taste attributed to the students' specialization and to the interaction between the specialization and the training program. However, significant differences were found in linguistic intelligence and musical creativity which may have been due to the specialization of the students in Child Education.


linguistic intelligence; musical intelligence; child education; English language; English literature

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