Managerial Performance of State Vocational High School Principals in Yogyakarta Special Province, Indonesia

Lia Yuliana, S. Sugiyono, Lantip Diat Prasojo


This study aimed to analyze the managerial performance of vocational high school principals in managing teachers and academic staff and the obstacles they experienced in the process. The study employed quantitative and qualitative methods. Respondents of the study were ten school supervisors at the Local Office of Ministry of Education and Culture and fifteen vocational high school principals, and 30 vocational high school teachers in Yogyakarta Special Province, Indonesia. Principals and teachers were selected from various vocational high schools through a purposive sampling technique by considering the accreditation ranking of the schools. The data were collected using questionnaire techniques, interviews, and documentation. The data validity was tested using the triangulation of theory, data, and informant review. Afterward, the data were analyzed using qualitative and quantitative data analysis. The results showed that the score of managerial performance based on the evaluation by school supervisors, principals, and teachers was 3.91, 4.07, and 4.10 respectively. The average score of evaluation results of the three groups was 4.05. The study also found some obstacles experienced by the vocational high school principals in managing teachers and academic staff. These obstacles were the lack of guidance from school supervisors and of funds for teacher management, a limited number of academic staffs, and also the limitation of teaching certification for some teachers.


principal; managerial performance; human resource management.

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