The Difference between the Effects of Problem-based Learning Strategy and Conventional Strategy on Vocational School Students’ Critical Thinking Skills in Civic Education

Ni Wayan Suarniati, I Wayan Ardhana, Nur Hidayah, Dany M. Handarini


This research aimed at examining the difference between the effects of problem-based learning strategy and conventional strategy on vocational school students’ critical thinking skills in civic education. The research design used in this study was experimental design with nonequivalent pretest and posttest control group design. The data collection was conducted by using critical thinking instrument adapted from Watson Glasser Appraisal with the dimension of inference, recognition of assumptions, deduction, interpretation, and evaluation of argument. The data analysis technique utilized descriptive statistics and t-test. The analysis results showed that the mean of problem-based learning strategy was 50.79, while the mean of the conventional strategy was 28.79, and the t-score for the difference between the effects of problem-based learning strategy and conventional strategy was 16.874 with the significance level of 0.000. The result showed that there was a difference between the effects of problem-based learning strategy and conventional strategy on vocational school students’ critical thinking skills in civic education subject.


Problem-based Learning, Conventional Learning, Critical thinking skills

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