How Student Driving Teachers Perceive Pedagogical Observation in Driving Lessons

Hilde Kjelsrud


 This article explores how student driving teachers perceive pedagogical observation in driving lessons. At a driving school connected to and owned by a university, these students conduct driving lessons with real student drivers with a fellow student helper in the back seat. Using thematic analysis, I explored data from interviews with student driving teachers and field observations of these in driving lessons and identified four main themes about pedagogical observation: (1) what is pedagogical observation, (2) what the goals are, (3) how is pedagogical observation conducted, and (4) what is needed. Students point to the value of pedagogical observation as an activity to help them learn and gain knowledge, and they see their peer students as useful helpers. This study contributes to the sparse knowledge/research on cooperation among student driving teachers in the practical field. The activity of pedagogical observation offers promising potential as it enables high-quality observation, communication, good relationships, and motivation.


pedagogical observation; student driving teacher; higher education; observation; driving teacher education

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