The Impact of Applying Religious Values through Online Problem-Based Learning among Undergraduate Students: A Quasi-Experimental Study

Aliff Nawi, Gamal Abdul Nasir Zakaria


Implementing religious value can develop good attitude and behaviour. It can be implemented in various ways such as in speech, behaviour, gesturing, comprehension and assessment. This study aimed to be establish the impact of applying religious values through online Problem-Based Learning among undergraduate students. A total of 81 students were involved in the study and were divided into treatment and control groups. In order to identify the effectiveness of the module in applying values, the quasi-experimental method was used through questionnaires. The results showed that there was a significant effect on the applying all religious value in the treatment group. The finding also revealed that learning through Problem-Based Learning (PBL) can provide a different learning environment as compared to regular learning sessions. The implications of this study can directly provide an alternative in applying values to students in the higher learning institution. 


Religious values; Problem-Based Learning; Module; Islamic education; Higher institution

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