Elementary School Teacher Development Policy in Yogyakarta City

Arif Rohman


This research analyses policy on elementary school teacher development as implemented in Yogyakarta City. The research was conducted using a qualitative phenomenological approach. Respondents of research were forty stakeholders in elementary school teacher development policy including teachers, principals, officers from local government, and member of the local house of representative. Data was collected through in-depth interviews, document analysis, and focused group discussion (FGD). The results suggest that a policy on developing elementary school teachers has been implemented. However, such policy is viewed as highly related to local politics as consequences of local autonomy. Some teachers and member of local house of representative view policy on teachers as part of local government effort to strengthen political position. To some extends, the policy has positive impact in the form of teacher continuing education. However, the policy has negative effect such as uneven or even discriminative distribution especially among private schools. 



educational policy; elementary school teachers; development policy; local politics; the local house of representative

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