The Effect of Learning Models and Spatial Intelligences to Biology Learning Outcomes by Controlling the Initial Knowledge

Muhammad Sirih, Nurdin Ibrahim, Priyono .


This research proposes to define the influence of learning designs and spatial intelligence on biology learning outcomes by controlling initial knowledge. This study was conducted at Senior High School 4 Kendari from September to December 2017. This study applies a quasi-experimental study by level 2x2. The study sample consisted of 372 students randomly selected. The data were analysed using ANCOVA and a further test with using the T-Ancova test at the 0.05 significance level. The consequences of the study indicate that: (1)    Biology student learning outcomes that learned with project-based learning model are more significant than the pupils that learned with the discovery model; (2) There is an influence of the synergy among learning models and spatial intelligence on biology learning outcomes, (3) Biology learning outcomes of students with high spatial intelligence taught by project-based learning models more elevated than the students learned the discovery learning models, and (4) There are no differences in biology student learning outcomes with low spatial intelligence that learned with project-based learning model by discovery learning after controlling for initial knowledge.


Project-based learning, discovery learning, spatial intelligence, biology learning outcomes, initial knowledge

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