The Error Pattern of Students with Mathematics Learning Disabilities in the Inclusive School on Fractions Learning

Trisno Ikhwanudin, Sufyani Prabawanto, Wahyudin .


This study examines the error pattern of students with mathematics learning disabilities when they learn fractions. This research uses a qualitative approach. The respondents are 23 students of the 7th graders in the inclusive school. The data are collected through student tests, class observations, and teacher interviews. The grounded theory with the constant comparison is conducted to the data analysis. There are four similar error patterns: (1) a lack of understanding of fraction representation; (2) a lack of understanding of fraction comparisons; (3) a mistake in applying the common denominator approach to the fraction addition operation; (4) a mistake in applying the procedure of fraction multiplication operation. The results of this study can be used by the teachers as a guideline when teaching fractions to students in inclusive schools.


Fraction Learning, Inclusive Education, Pattern Error Analysis, Mathematics Learning Disabilities

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