Reforming Science Teacher Education with Cultural Reflection and Practice

Cherie McCollough, Susan Wolf-Murphy, Glenn Blalock


As classrooms increasingly become more diverse, teacher education programs should include opportunities for open discussions and authentic implementation of culturally relevant teaching. This study explores how preservice teachers (PSTs) in a science content/methods class, use reading, reflecting and writing in an innovative sequence outlined a lesson plan called a Transformational Reading Exercise (TRE). TREs require that PSTs read culturally relevant literature, reflect on their reading, and write their reflective responses rather than simply summarizing the reading. The TRE is followed by guided class discussions and the intentional application of those concepts in authentic after-school teaching environments called Family Science Learning Events. At Family Science Learning Events (FSLEs), PSTs can transform their thinking about themselves, attending students and family members, becoming more interconnected, more interdependent, more conscious of other cultures. Data collection and analysis from this study includes qualitative data from PSTs TREs and FSLE reflections and quantitative data from pre-/post-surveys regarding the importance of teacher quality characteristics. Results show a significant increase in PSTs appreciating culturally relevant teaching pedagogy and changes in PSTs personal perceptions regarding culture. Recommendations include reforming education courses to include use of structured reading/reflecting/writing sequences with intentional, authentic venues that incorporate meaningful culturally relevant experiences.


culturally relevant teaching; teacher education; family learning events; cultural perceptions

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