Teachers’ Experience in the Subject of Food and Health and the Promotion of Health in Norwegian Lower Secondary Schools

Else Marie Øvrebø


This study describes the teachers' experiences and views regarding the extent to which the subject food and health promotes health in lower secondary schools. The teachers wish to build their teaching on the pupils’ assumptions and references, but they find this problematical because they have little or no knowledge of their pupils. In addition to support from the homes, the teachers point to sufficient economic resources in the schools, as well as resources in the shape of time and collegial support, as important factors in the realization of the subject. Although the teachers feel that they have the support they need in their work, very few have the organizational structures to lean on in their work, so that cooperation is barely internalized. Health-promoting work should be anchored throughout the organization, to achieve sufficient strength and effectiveness. Structural relationships within the organization, through organization management, are important for the teachers' work with the subject.



Health promotion work, Food and Health, teaching, implementation

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