Conceptions on PBL Facilitator’s Role: A Perspective of Chinese Teacher

Huichun Li, Yuanyuan Chen


Teachers’ conceptions on their role produce significant influences upon their performance in the class and students’ learning outcome. This study aims to investigate Chinese teachers’ conceptions on their role as PBL (problem based learning) facilitators. A total of 32 semi-structured interviews are conducted, complementing by observations as cross-validating data source. Data analysis is carried out in a qualitative manner. The findings are: 1 The majority of the PBL teachers consider their role as either dominator or directors for students and tend to maintain strong dominance over students’ learning process, 2 a few teachers take an “outsider†view by granting student high autonomy and keeping a minimum interference with student’ learning process. The polarized conceptions on PBL teachers’ role can be accounted partly by Chinese particular educational tradition and a lack in the knowledge regarding PBL. Therefore, to facilitate PBL implementation in China, a conceptual change to Chinese teachers regarding learning and good teacher, and more institutional support equipping teachers with PBL related knowledge and facilitating skills are needed.


conception; facilitator’s role; PBL; problem based learning; Chinese teacher

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