Connection of Teachers’ Organizational Commitment and Transformational Leadership. A Case Study from Greece

Zacharo Kouni, Marios Koutsoukos, Dimitra Panta


In the international literature there are many documented studies which have shown the connection between leadership and commitment to organization. Specifically, transformational leadership is highly associated with this important and positive work attitude, job satisfaction.  The interpretation in a school context is that the director should practice as transformational leader so as to produce better educational outcomes through teachers' commitment to school goals. In Greece, little empirical research has been done to investigate the perceptions of teachers about the connection between transformational leadership and organizational commitment. The purpose of the present study is to investigate the perceptions of teachers to the extent that transformational leadership contributes to commitment to school goals. The selected research method is a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods, namely using questionnaire and interview. The sample consisted of 171 teachers from two types of educational institutions, lower and upper general secondary schools of a local administration of secondary education. The survey’s results showed that teachers feel substantial commitment to school goals when the school principal acts as transformational leader. Demographic variables, type of school and work experience, do not affect the views of teachers.


leadership; transformational leadership; organizational commitment

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