Facilitating Learning through PBL in a Chinese Context: Students’ Learning Outcomes and Attitudes

Huichun Li


Instituting PBL in different national and cultural contexts can be a challenging task. This study explores PBL (problem based learning) implementation in a single disciplinary course in the domain of humanities in China, with a particular focus on students’ learning outcomes and their attitudes towards PBL. A qualitative research approach is adopted for data collection and analysis. We have conducted 14 interviews and collected all students’ final project products as complementary data source. The main findings are: firstly, PBL leads to better learning outcomes in terms of interdisciplinary learning, self-directed learning, problem solving, creative thinking, communication, as well as knowledge retention; secondly, students’ attitudes towards PBL differ: although some students favour PBL approach, other students tend to have mixed attitudes towards PBL and somehow stick to the value of conventional educational approach.  To enhance students’ recognition of PBL in China, one needs not only to show students the effectiveness of PBL, but also to transform the conception of learning in students’ mind.



PBL, problem based learning, Chinese context, learning outcome, attitude

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