Immigrant Student Teachers as Co-researchers

Kari Spernes


This study is based on a project in which immigrant student teachers were involved as co-researchers in a teacher educator’s research project. The aim of the study is to highlight the students’ experiences of, and their opinions about, participating in a lecturer’s research project. The informants are six immigrant students in a teacher education (TE) program. Three of the students previously had been involved in the author’s research project before they enrolled in this study. Another three had not been involved, but they had followed the project through their classmates’ participation. Through qualitative interviews, the students reflected on the value of participating in a research project. The study indicates that immigrant students may acquire valuable knowledge through participation in teacher education research and that immigrant student teachers’ experiential knowledge may contribute to increased knowledge in the field of intercultural education


co-researcher, experiential knowledge, immigrant student teacher, intercultural education, teacher education

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