On the Way to Phronesis: Delving into Stories of School Based Experiences of Pre-Service Teachers

Swaleha Beebeejaun-Roojee, Nathalie Congo-Poottaren


Abstract. There exists an on-going debate on the gap between the academic aspect of teacher education and the reality of school life. In response to this issue, many teacher training institutions propose on-job placement or ‘School Based Experience’. In Mauritius, trainee teachers are posted in schools with a view to provide them with work-based learning opportunities and expose them to the world of schools. A narrative enquiry has been adopted to investigate ways in which pre-service teachers have lived their school-based practicum in relation to the knowledge acquired during their training. Data was collected from stories narrated during focus group seminars and analysed using Haynes (2007)1 Key Steps. The study sheds light on ways in which trainee teachers faced the diversity and complexity of the school milieu as an experiential learning space. It also leads to the understanding of their concerns as they negotiate their way along the journey of reconciliation between teacher education and experiences of school life.  Key findings relate to both the benefits and setbacks of work based learning. The authors recommend that there is a need to revisit the partnership which exist between the teacher education institution and schools.


School Based Experience, experiential learning, work based learning, phronesis.

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