Exploring Career Management Skills in Higher Education: Perceived Self-efficacy in Career, Career Adaptability and Career Resilience in Greek University Students

Despina Sidiropoulou-Dimakakou, Katerina Argyropoulou, Nikos Drosos, Andronikos Kaliris, Katerina Mikedaki


This paper aims at highlighting a grid of career management skills which can help university students respond effectively to the complexity of labor market and career development, namely, career adaptability, perceived career self-efficacy beliefs and career resilience. Given that little is known so far regarding the degree to which higher education students possess and develop such skills, a cross-sectional survey was conducted to investigate: (a) students’ perceived level of the above mentioned skills, (b) the relationships that may exist among them, and (c) possible differences in skill levels between working and non-working students. Results demonstrated relatively high scores in all skills, strong positive relationships among them as well as significant differences at scores as to students’ work status. Implications for training, career counseling interventions and further research are provided.

Keywords: Higher Education; career management skills; career adaptability; perceived career self-efficacy; career resilience



Higher education, career management skills, career adaptability, perceived self-efficacy in career, career resilience

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