Experiencing Schooling In Another Nation: Advancing Global Awareness Of Teacher Candidates

Bobbi Hansen


In this paper, the author argues for including international experiences—particularly the visiting of schools abroad—in teacher education programs in order to expand teacher candidates’ personal growth, expanded worldviews, and increased understanding of schooling in other countries. The paper begins by sharing a students’ reflection as an example of a transformative experience that can take place when one is immersed in the educational culture of another country. The remainder of the paper, then, showcases one innovative US school of education’s international experience where teacher candidates participated in extended visits in schools in another nation. Finally, the author asserts that it is imperative that teacher candidates be provided with opportunities and challenges to move beyond their own cultural experiences and be able to provide them with the dispositions, pedagogical skills and the determination to develop K-12 students’ global competence and awareness of global issues.


Teacher Education, Prospective Teachers, International Experiences, Global Awareness

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