Exploring Pre-Service Teachers’ Emotional Competence and Motivation for the Choice of a Teaching Career

Tea Pavin Ivanec


The literature recognises the importance of teachers’ emotional competence for various aspects of the teaching profession, as well as the importance of attracting motivated and quality prospective teachers and retaining them in the profession. However, studies relating to the motivation to teach and some personal characteristics of prospective teachers are still relatively scarce. Therefore, this study aimed at contributing to this field of research by exploring the association between prospective teachers’ emotional competence and their motivation for the choice of a teaching career as proposed by the Factors Influencing Teaching (FIT)-Choice model. This study used a quantitative methodological approach. Prospective teachers who were enrolled in a primary school initial teacher education programme (N=423) participated in this study. The data were analysed using cluster analysis and multivariate analysis of variance. The results obtained revealed that the importance of almost all motives for the decision to pursue a teaching career, and the perception of demandingness of the teaching profession are rated higher by pre-service teachers with higher emotional competence. Finally, pre-service teachers with higher emotional competence also expressed a higher level of satisfaction with their career choice compared to those with a moderate level of emotional competence.



emotional competence; Factors influencing teaching choice (FIT) model; motivation for teaching; pre-service teachers

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