Student Teachers’ Perceptions of Theory and Practice Integration through Action Research

Sergiy Bobrakov


The purpose of the study is to gain insight into pre-service teachers’ perceptions of integrating theory and practice by means of action research. Motivation for the study is the still unresolved theory-practice problem in teacher education. There is still little known in the research area of teacher education about how student teachers link theoretical knowledge and practical situations. The question of how the integration of several elements of the knowledge base of pre-service teachers can be realized is essential for this. A second reason for this study, related to this problem, is the rising interest in action research, which, due to its nature, helps student teachers use university theories for reflection on practical activities, thus contributing to the perception of the theory and practice integration process. The study is qualitative in nature and serves to uncover the lived experience of the 5 participants of the study (referendars in the initial stage of their 18-months preparation program at teacher seminars and practicum settings across North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany) in the process of theory and practice integration through action research.


theory and practice, teacher education, action research

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