Understanding the Process of Generalization in Mathematics through Activity Theory

Gabriela Dumitrascu


The practice of generalization is a powerful process that should be present in mathematical learning from kindergarten to college. It is crucial for teachers at all school levels to have a deep understanding of the process down to knowing its genetic decomposition. Activity theory framework provides basic principles that allows us to define generalization as an activity that is socially and historically developed through tools and artifacts mediations, internalization of social knowledge, and that is transformed through learning and development I present the means of the generalization activity using Leontiev’s activity theory intertwined with Rubinshtein’s description of the generalization process. This theoretical framework may also support teacher educators and teachers while they use high-leverage teaching practices such as: eliciting and interpreting individual student’s thinking, diagnosing particular common patterns of student thinking and development, or leading a group discussion.



education; pre-service teachers; elemetary mathematics; high-leverage practices

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