“Being together in the locker room is great, but showering together – just forget it!†The Janus Face of the Wardrobe Practice in Physical Education

Bjørn Tore Johansen, Martine Mæhle, Øyvind Oland, Tommy Haugen


The aim of this study is to examine the wardrobe context among students in physical education (PE) in lower secondary school and describe their various experiences of the atmosphere in the locker room and their showering habits. 16 semi structured in-depth interviews with eight boys and eight girls, all aged 15, in the 10th grade (third and final year of lower secondary school) were conducted to grasp some of the ongoing interactions between students and the context of the wardrobe practice before and after PE lessons. The planning of the interviews is grounded in a variety of topics such as the class environment, the influence of teacher behavior, self-evaluation, and the role of social media. Four main categories emerged when describing the students’ various experiences of the wardrobe practice in PE; 1) Friendship, 2) Physical Facilities, 3) Digital Life and 4) Shyness. Overall, the students feel comfortable as well as motivated for participation in the PE lessons and the atmosphere in the wardrobe seems to play a vital part. However, students may be exposed to an unhealthy body image through their fellow students, the role of social media, and the society’s view of what is an ideal body. The results may suggest that in general puberty and the major bodily changes occurring in this age create unpleasantness and shyness of being exposed to other students previously unknown to them. Habitually, most of the girls choose not to shower while exposed to fellow female students after ended PE session while the boys who are showering do it in their underwear.  



Wardrobe practice; comradeship; puberty; shyness; showering habits

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