From cave prisoners to future educators: from an ancient text to new interpretation. Decoding thinking processes through online dialog,

Yonit Nissim, Iris Pinto


The research observes thinking processes of students, when interpreting and providing augmented analogies for “The Allegory of the Cave†in Plato’s Politeia (The Republic). These processes enable students to reach insights concerning characteristics of the optimal educator, suitable for the challenges of the 21st century; Create a narrative appropriating the allegoric tale to create meaning associated with the modern education system and their future professional role; And mediate through an online discourse, create collaborative learning and constructivist dialog, move along the axis of tension between the old and the new.  In other words, learning within this framework appears to be a direct process of knowledge construction. The article is based on thorough observation of discussions in the forum of an online course that took place during the academic year 2013.



Future teachers; augmented Allegory; Virtual Forum; Future teacher's skills

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